And So It Begins…

From the first step inside the dojo, the journey is ahead.  For the new martial artist, there is so much to learn, beginning with tying the belt, learning to make a proper fist, and how to throw a straight punch.  The first class is a rush, a flash, an overwhelming crush of information.

Not to mention the next day when the initial soreness sets in and doesn’t go away for a few weeks.  At which point it just finds new places to ache.

My own journey began over ten years ago, with my first visit to the local martial arts school.  I had observed through the glass, seen the classes and the uniforms and the various mix of belt colors.  And was hooked.

However, I had toddlers at the time.  Trying to fit three or more classes a week into a life centered around a three-year-old and a newborn was next to impossible.  Not to mention the tuition on a tight budget, one that — again — centered around the growing family.

My martial arts journey was put on hold after only ten short months.  I loved the classes, loved the camaraderie, loved the work out, but couldn’t keep up with the commitment.

Make no mistake — martial arts done well is a commitment.

That was my first step, but far from being my last.  After a decade long sabbatical, I once again started looking at renewing the journey.  My kids had grown, my schedule had become much more manageable, and I had never forgotten the rush of the dojo.  I had moved in the interim, which meant looking for a new school, a new fit, finding the right style — all challenges that are each a series of blog posts all on their own.

Long story short, I am currently enrolled in a fantastic school, with incredible instructors and friends in training.  I look forward to sharing bits and pieces of my journey, as well as wisdom gathered along the way.  One is never too old to learn or too young to teach.

So settle in.  Join me.  Grab some water or coffee or beverage of your choice.  Break often for stretches.  And let’s do this!

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